Friday, July 10, 2009

The Power of Accessories

Ever look at a closet full of clothes and ask yourself, "What should I wear?" I have that internal conversation almost everyday. I read a statstic once that stated that we "wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time".

I'm a stubborn person and I decided that I did not want to be part of THAT statistic! So I did something about it....I went shopping!

Well actually......I went through all my clothes, tried everything on, made quick decisions on what to keep (fits and I wear it often) or toss (didn't fit, had not worn it in over a year), drop off a car load to Goodwill (literally filled my entire backseat and truck!!!) and then I went to the store and bought two belts (a brown one and a black one).

Even though I downsized my wardrobe over 50%, I added at least 15 new outfits with these two purchases.

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