Friday, July 10, 2009

The Power of Accessories

Ever look at a closet full of clothes and ask yourself, "What should I wear?" I have that internal conversation almost everyday. I read a statstic once that stated that we "wear 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time".

I'm a stubborn person and I decided that I did not want to be part of THAT statistic! So I did something about it....I went shopping!

Well actually......I went through all my clothes, tried everything on, made quick decisions on what to keep (fits and I wear it often) or toss (didn't fit, had not worn it in over a year), drop off a car load to Goodwill (literally filled my entire backseat and truck!!!) and then I went to the store and bought two belts (a brown one and a black one).

Even though I downsized my wardrobe over 50%, I added at least 15 new outfits with these two purchases.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Favorites

Some of my favorite things about summer.......

Fresh Oregon fruit
Farmer's markets
Summer nights
4 hours of daylight after work
Fourth of July fireworks
Taking naps outside
Fruit smoothies
Wearing sandles
Riding my bike
The smell of sunscreen

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


"We first make our habits, then our habits make us." John Dryden

I've read several studies that suggest it takes an average of three weeks to form a good habit and even less to form a bad one. It really got me thinking about my own habits....

Bad Habits:
too many sweets
not washing my face before bed
going to bed too late
daydreaming at work

Good Habits:
riding my bike
lunchtime nap
calling my family
regular medical check-ups

Desired Good Habits:
weight training
studying (I'm going back to school)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fresh Air....Fresh Perspective

With the arrival of the nice weather, I have been wanting to spend much more time outside. My roommate recently purchased a bicycle and inspired me to dust off my bike. My bike has seen better days. It's about 14 years old, rusty and squeaky....but it fits me just fine. I think it's been at least three years since I've taken it for a ride. Way overdue!!!!

On a lazy Saturday afternoon about two weeks ago, I found myself extremely bored! I had done quite a bit of reading earlier that morning, was not in the mood to watch a movie or sit in front of the computer, wasn't hungry and didn't feel like talking. I suddenly got an itch to go for a bike ride. What a beautiful day for a bike ride! Sun is out, not too hot, slight breeze, birds churping, no street traffic, families walking their dogs and laying with thier kids. I remembered why I had so enjoyed riding my bike in high school and college. Even after I owned my car, I still rode my bike to work. Saturdays were my day to ride up to Yosemite Lake (12 miles round trip), lay in the grass, read my book and nap. I would feel so at peace :-)

I started to crave that feeling again. The wind in my air, the smell of fresh air, the sound of the road. It felt so refreshing to ride again that I decided to start riding to work (10 miles roundtrip). It takes me about 20 minutes, which is only 10 minutes longer then if I drove. On days that I don't ride to work, I wait until about 8:30pm and then I go out for about an hour. It's the perfect time to watch the sunset and the sky fill with vibrant colors.

I find that it helps me unwind at the end of the day and ultimately helps me fall asleep much quicker. It has lifted me out of a rut of 'work, home, eat, computer, sleep.....repeat'. I usually bring a backpack filled with some snacks, water, a book, a notebook and some money in case I decide to pick up some groceries or buy a chai tea latte. Working in customer service, I find that this quiet time is an essential part of how I re-energize. And the best part...IT'S FREE!!!!!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

2009 Starlight Run

That's me on the far left...rockin' the 80's look at the 31st Annual Starlight Run in Portland, Oregon. My friend Aimee is Gem from Gem and the Holograms and her friend is part of a group theme...running with the bulls. 

Though dressing up is not required, there sure were lots of creative costumes. A bunch of middle-schoolers dressed up like iPod nanos. There were superheros, Wizard of Oz characters, octo-moms, bailed out CEOs and lots of hula dancers. 

On the way there, Aimee and I were talking about how anyone could do a 5k and it should be no sweat! Oh boy were we wrong!!!! My recent bike rides had not prepared me for the reality of how out-of-shape I have become. We both started off strong and steady. Lots of momentum in the beginning!!! By the time we had reached the second mile marker, I could feel my body tensing up. At 2.5 miles I had to merge to the far right hand side of the street and start speed walking. It was quite humiliating to see little kids passing me up :-( That was right about the time when we started seeing the spectators....over 100,000!!!!! They were cheering us on and giving high-fives from the sidewalk. It was very inspiring. At one point, I looked around and realized that I was all alone and a guy on the sidelines screamed, "Come on girl in yellow! You can do it!" I started running again which eventually turned into a slow trot but the crowd kept me going. I finished in about 40 mintues which works out to be a little more then 13 minutes a mile. Not bad in my book considering the fact that I felt nauseated the whole last mile!

There are two lessons here; 

1. Never underestimate the small runs (5k = 3.1 miles)
2. Never run in bedazzled denim converse (a week later, I'm finally healed. Pun intended)!

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