Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fresh Air....Fresh Perspective

With the arrival of the nice weather, I have been wanting to spend much more time outside. My roommate recently purchased a bicycle and inspired me to dust off my bike. My bike has seen better days. It's about 14 years old, rusty and squeaky....but it fits me just fine. I think it's been at least three years since I've taken it for a ride. Way overdue!!!!

On a lazy Saturday afternoon about two weeks ago, I found myself extremely bored! I had done quite a bit of reading earlier that morning, was not in the mood to watch a movie or sit in front of the computer, wasn't hungry and didn't feel like talking. I suddenly got an itch to go for a bike ride. What a beautiful day for a bike ride! Sun is out, not too hot, slight breeze, birds churping, no street traffic, families walking their dogs and laying with thier kids. I remembered why I had so enjoyed riding my bike in high school and college. Even after I owned my car, I still rode my bike to work. Saturdays were my day to ride up to Yosemite Lake (12 miles round trip), lay in the grass, read my book and nap. I would feel so at peace :-)

I started to crave that feeling again. The wind in my air, the smell of fresh air, the sound of the road. It felt so refreshing to ride again that I decided to start riding to work (10 miles roundtrip). It takes me about 20 minutes, which is only 10 minutes longer then if I drove. On days that I don't ride to work, I wait until about 8:30pm and then I go out for about an hour. It's the perfect time to watch the sunset and the sky fill with vibrant colors.

I find that it helps me unwind at the end of the day and ultimately helps me fall asleep much quicker. It has lifted me out of a rut of 'work, home, eat, computer, sleep.....repeat'. I usually bring a backpack filled with some snacks, water, a book, a notebook and some money in case I decide to pick up some groceries or buy a chai tea latte. Working in customer service, I find that this quiet time is an essential part of how I re-energize. And the best part...IT'S FREE!!!!!!


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