Saturday, June 6, 2009

Real Beauty?

So I was browsing YouTube the other day and somehow I came across a few Photoshop videos.


I always knew that the magazine covers were altered in some fashion but I had no idea of the extent to which these photos are severely changed! I was shocked! My bubble was burst! For years I have subscribed to various health magazines in hopes of being motivated by the 'real' pictures of 'real' woman and perception is what is being altered.

Check out this video on YouTube. It's a fast-forward look at a photoshoot that is then altered by photoshop.

Now I'm staring at my brand new copy of Glamour and though the actress on the cover is quite beautiful, it only peaks my curiousity about what is real and what has been 'photoshopped'. I read an article on yahoo the other day about a survey conducted on 200 college campuses nationwide. College men of various ages were shown several different pictures of women. They chose the woman that they found to be most attractive. In the end, the average desired woman was 5'3" and had measurements of about 36'' - 30'' - 40'' (which is about a size 14).

So ladies...look in the then have another piece of chocolate!


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