Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bad Timing

I don't enjoy going to the dentist...mostly because I usually have another cavity. I have been blessed with many things in my life however good teeth is not one of those things. It's never a matter of 'if' I have a's an issue of 'how many'????? Last dentist visit I had one cavity and was also told that I needed 3 fillings replaced.

Sure...why not...can I really argue the point?????

I make my appointment but then have to cancel it and I didn't remember that I had not made another appointment until I was eating a Now-n-Later and see where I am going with this.....out popped my crown! Dang!!! I call the dentist and they can see me in 3 days. Sweet!

So my appointment was today and it couldn't have come any sooner because I have been chewing on one side and now my cheek is sore :-( My story to the dentist is that I was eating a turkey burger (I don't want to get scolded for eating candy) and it came out. He decides to replace the 3 fillings, cement the crown back in and have me come back in a few weeks for the replacement. 

He pulls out the yucky numbing needle and starts poking away. He is actually giving me my last injection and the power goes out!!!! It doesn't just goes completely dark!!!!! The dentist looks at me and says, "Well that's not good." Gee...ya think???? I say, "Okay where's the hidden camera. Am I getting punkd????" We start laughing because really...that's the only thing we can do at this point. 

As it turns out, we are in the middle of a freak electrical storm and the power is out all over town. The power comes back on and the dentist says, "Let's hurry up and get that crown back on.'' It took all of about 3 minutes for him to cement it back in. As the nurse is picking away at the excess guessed it...the power goes out. This time it doesn't come back on. I end up spitting out chunks of cement into the trash can. At least my situation was easily remedied. I felt bad for the gal next to me who was having major work done involving several missing teeth. 

Can you imagine having to leave without all your teeth???? 'I wasn't completely satisfied with my last visit! Can you ensure that I will leave with at least as many teeth as I came in with??'

Needless-to-say.....I'll be making a repeat visit very soon :-)


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