Saturday, May 30, 2009

Garage Sales

I am having a garage sale today!!! After 30 minutes of sitting around....blogging...I finally had my first customer. A older gentleman who was driving his hotrod around town and wanted to buy a gallon of water from me!!! He gave $1.00!!! If nothing else, I can say that the day will not be a total loss :-) This is why I have mixed feelings about garage sales.

On one can find some really good deals on stuff that you need or want. 
On the other can see all the crap people have be hanging onto for decades!!!!!
On the third hand.........I hate HAVING garage sales because I price things astronomically low, knowing what I actually paid for the item and then have people dicker me .25 here and .05 there!

I have used a popular website to buy and sell several things recently and I like think I prefer that method. There is huge appeal in getting rid of a large number if things all at once!!!!

Anything that doesn't sell....GOODWILL....because the process of putting it all away and then taking it all back out again.......I would rather go to the dentist!!!!!!!


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