Thursday, April 30, 2009

Before You Die......

This may sound a little morbid but during my frequent bouts of insomnia, I often think of what I would do if I only had six months to live???????

'Imagine. You've just learned that planet Earth will explode in six months. Or, a virulent parasite is wiping out the chimp population and it's beginning to strike humans-it's sure to be the worst plague in the history of humankind. What ever will you do during your last days on Earth?' ~ excerpt from 2001 Things To Do Before You Die by Dane Sherwood.

Of the 2001 listed, these are some of my favorites;

Write, "If only I had...." on a piece of paper and flush it down the toilet.
Learn how to say "I love you" in ten different languages.
Follow your bliss.
Haggle....and win.
Pay for the next car at the toll booth.
Eat dessert first.
Love to loaf, loaf to live, live to loaf.
Fall asleep counting your blessings.
Play with your food.
Kiss people on both cheeks.
Repeat the phrase, 'I will not die wondering.'
Give up being perfect.
Consider the opposite.
Meet the love of your life's ex and shake his or her hand and say, "thank you".
Emerse yourself in another culture.

There is a checkbox next to each one listed so you can check things off as you go! I think I'm at about a 40/60. Some of the items listed can realistically be accomplished, like 'put the toliet seat down'. Others are not so realistic, like 'carry on an intellectual conversation with the Dalai Lama'. Now I didn't say it was impossible...just a low rate of probability. I find those particular items to be the most motivating and inspiring. Just the idea that someone wrote it down, almost makes it seem more possible.

I sometimes struggle deciphering whether my thoughts are my own or are some warped version of what 'society' holds to be true. Selling all my possessions and traveling the world sounds like a great idea until I start sharing my idea with others. That's when I get alot of, "Isn't that expensive?"....."Won't it be depressing to travel alone?"...."What will you do when you get back?"
All very valid questions and instead of simply acknowledging these questions as a form of care & concern from my loved ones, I allow the questions to fill me with doubt. At thirty years old, I am too young to think or feel that this is as good as it gets. About embarking on his third career (police office, attorney, professor) a professor of mine once said, "I knew it would be tough to go back to school and learn a new trade. I also knew that in 10 years I would be 40 whether I went back to school or not. I decided that I would rather be 40 and have accomplished my goals then to be 40 and stuck."

As a reward to myself for not allowing my passion for traveling to die, I have just sent off to have my passport renewed. "It's time to start living the life you've imagined" ~ Henry James 

Monday, April 20, 2009

No Second Date If.......

*disclaimer: these are all things that have actually happened to me!*

you have more in common with his teenage kids than with him. 

he complains about his 'virtual' mortgage (read Video Game Addicts blog).

he considers black lights and Baywatch to be mood-setters (can you say 80's).

he starts groping you before you've even ordered your drink (Hello? Hands??).

he tells you he wants to see you again because you are a good kisser.

he talks about his ex-girlfriend the entire night (BAGGAGE!).

he brings along his 22 year old daughter (what, no babysitter?).

he can't remember your name (I was possibly his 2nd or 3rd date of the evening?)

he pulls the whole, "I forgot my wallet" bit and yet his right butt cheek strangely resembles the shape of a wallet!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Living With My Man Dog

My 10 month old Labrador Eddie is preparing me to live with a man!

His farts can clear a room
Snores like a train and twitches in his sleep
No matter how cold it is, he is always warm
Happiest during meal time
Usually falls asleep on the couch after dinner
Follows me to the bathroom
Stares at me while I'm showering
Sniffs my underwear

Ladies......if you want to know what it's like to live with a man......get a dog first :-)

Music Is My Boyfriend

Always available (multiple downloading sites)

Perfect mix of old school and trendy (re-mix of Time After Time by Quietdrive)

Touches your heart (If I Lay Here by Snow Patrol)

Reminds you of the good times (Stay by Dave Matthews Band)

Gives you permission to be pissed off at the world (anything by Linkin Park)

Will walk thru fire with you (I'll Stop The World and Melt With You by The Cure)

Loves your body (Your Body Is A Wonderland by John Meyer)

Is your biggest fan (You're A God and by Vertical Horizon)

He's crazy about you (Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band, I'm Yours by Jason Mraz)

Understands real love (Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman by Bryan Adams)

Embraces your imprefections (Flaws and All by Beyonce)

Knows life without you is a life without love (I'll Never Love Again by Taio Cruz)

Will spend his life earning that love (Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)

Knows the different between sex and making love (Feel Like Making Love by Kid Rock)

Can't wait to hear your voice (Calling You by Blue October)

Will fight for his place in your life (The Dairy of Jane by Breaking Benjamin)

Admits his mistakes (Sorry by Buckcherry, Take Me Back by Tinchy Stryder ft. Taio Cruz)

Enjoys your company (Here In Your Arms by Hellogoodbye)

Not afraid to tell you what he wants (Short Skirt, Long Jacket by Cake, She Is by The Fray)

You are his bestfriend (Dreamgirl by Dave Matthews Band)

What more can you ask for.............. :-)

Eating Healthy is a Full Time Job

Ever open a Shape or Self magazine and read an article about the 'New Superfoods'? 

NEW SUPERFOODS!!!! I'm just trying to get a grip on the old ones! 

I'm beginning to wonder if I'm causing myself undo stress. The more I read, the longer my shopping adventures become. I write down recipes to meals that are suppose to give me more energy and stamina except that the process to buy these ingredients is downright exhausting! I check my copy of Eat This Not That, refer to my notebook of random nutritional information that I actually color-coated in a bout of insomnia and of course read all the labels even though half the time I have no idea what I'm reading. I am hoping that if I keep reading this gibberish that one day it will just all click and make perfect sense! I can dream can't I????

And why is so expensive to be healthy??? How is possible to spend my monthly grocery budget in one shopping trip and have nothing to show for it but a few jars of coconut oil, almond butter, herbs, gluten-free/sugar-free/taste-free bread and a bag of organic vegetables? 

Don't get me wrong.....I am a self-proclaimed Whole Foods Lover but SERIOUSLY??? How am I suppose to remember that certain herbs interact with others and that adding A to B is suppose to double the nutritional value of C?????? What is this....algrebra for life??? I can barely remember to walk my dog!

I think I may have discovered the world's cheapest diet! Health magazines! Read enough of them, get confused enough and you will be frozen in fear or which foods to eat or not eat and before you know it......the pounds will start to fall off in no time! THE FEAR DIET!!!!!!

I suppose the safest thing to do is grow my own food but them I'm back to a second full time job. I daydream about what I would do if I won the lottery and my twisted mind immediately gets giddy at the thought of being able to go to Whole Foods and buy something from every eisle!

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