Monday, April 20, 2009

No Second Date If.......

*disclaimer: these are all things that have actually happened to me!*

you have more in common with his teenage kids than with him. 

he complains about his 'virtual' mortgage (read Video Game Addicts blog).

he considers black lights and Baywatch to be mood-setters (can you say 80's).

he starts groping you before you've even ordered your drink (Hello? Hands??).

he tells you he wants to see you again because you are a good kisser.

he talks about his ex-girlfriend the entire night (BAGGAGE!).

he brings along his 22 year old daughter (what, no babysitter?).

he can't remember your name (I was possibly his 2nd or 3rd date of the evening?)

he pulls the whole, "I forgot my wallet" bit and yet his right butt cheek strangely resembles the shape of a wallet!


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